My life is full, all good things. Obviously being a mom to my girl is priority number one. I'm lucky that I get to spend my days with her, & only work a few nights a week bartending, (obviously not my passion, or what I want to use my degree for, but it's at the best possible restaurant & gratefully profitable.) We've never needed to find daycare because she always gets to be with me or my husband. Which has been ideal for us.
Being an artist at the same time, is where it gets tricky. My heart & mind always want to be making, always wants to be productive. Finding that balance between being present with my daughter Juniper & finding the time to paint is hard. Having a home studio helps, because I can more easily steal moments here are there, but it also brings its challenges. If I'm home and you can see me I'm 'available' or I myself can easily be distracted, or often do what I like to call 'procrasti-clean.'
My husband is very supportive & Juniper lets me get away with it for the most part, sometimes too much, & then I feel guilty that my attention isn't all on her... the struggle for the perfect harmony is real. What ever did I do with all my time before motherhood?!
My situation, for the most part, is as ideal as it could be, & I am grateful.
BUT boy do I dream of finding that elusive, & valuable commodity; Time.
Someday I'll be the prolific artist I have boiling up in me, (& or update my website as often as I should ... ) Until then standby and be patient with me, or more importantly I'll be patient with myself.
<3 - nikki