Swoon! I am so in love with the work of one of 'Maine's treasures,' artist- illustrator, Dahlov Ipcar. Recently my daughter Juniper & I had the pleasure of meeting sweet Dahlov & having a hand full of her wonderful books signed!
We had the above 3 books signed, & own 3 more - with plans, wants, & wishes to collect as many as we can. Dahlov has over 30 children's books published! The illustrations in each of these books are all rich with color, style, & pattern. All things that I love, but besides the beautiful imagery, the stories are all really charming, lovely, & well written.
To make things even more exciting! We not only had the great honor of sitting and chatting with Dahlov Ipcar, but Juniper & I's moment together with her was captured and published by a local paper - here in 'The Coastal Journal.'
You can read the article online as a pdf @the costaljournal.com. This is certainly something I'll be saving for the ol' scrapbook! Something we will cherish, along with her signed books, for years to come!
Ipcar is a true inspiration to me, with her nearly 70 year long career of creating absolutely beautiful work. Her legacy of children's books, as well as her paintings being in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan, & the Whitney. Her success & accomplishments are something this aspiring Maine artist dreams of.
The above two images (& 3rd below) are by Winkey Lewis from an article written by Susan Conely for mainemagazine.com.
-'...She tells me a secret: “There is the artist life and then there is the doing of the art.” She chose the latter. “The art is why I’m still alive." -
It's a really beautiful article that I personally really enjoyed. It gives you an inside peak into Dahlov's life, home, & studio. I particularly loved the visual it paints of Daholv's parents & her upbringing. I highly suggest you head over here and read this next!
In Dahlov's home, look how dreamy!
And with all that, I now leave you with these pictures of my daughter Juniper enjoying her copy of 'The Calico Jungle.' Completely unprompted, amongst many other options, this book is easily her new favorite. My girl has good taste! <3 n