"— Her work is soulful, organic, charming and reminiscent of Frida Kahlo’s art..." - Susan Tuttle
Better late then never, but I noticed my website was getting some traffic from susantuttlephotograhy.com & much to my surprise I had received some love. Susan Tuttle, a photographer & fellow Maine artist, had seen my paintings and had given them a glowing review. It is a warm and fuzzy feeling to have ones work appreciated & I wanted to share her kind words.
It's always nice when a fellow talented artist thinks you're talented too. Susan's website is lovely, her photography (self portraiture & life studies,) and her writting are both atmospheric - with depth and warmth. I'm as happy to view her work as she was with mine. Take a moment and go visit it her site, it's a wealth of beautiful images.
Continuing on this positivity train. Last week I went to the June Lewiston Art walk where my paintings are showing until the end of this month (July) at Current Gallery and Magazine. - It was an amazing experience. I was blown away by the admiration and appreciation of my work. So much positivite, & really valuable & intelligent feed back. Great conversations all around. I am grateful & inspired.
I have new paintings in the works! Commissions. So stayed tuned I hope to share them soon! - I'm always accepting orders by the way, great for gifts or to fill that empty wall!
With love & gratitude, signing off - <3 Nikki