
"— Her work is soulful, organic, charming and reminiscent of Frida Kahlo’s art..." - Susan Tuttle

Better late then never, but I noticed my website was getting some traffic from  & much to my surprise I had received some love. Susan Tuttle, a photographer & fellow Maine artist, had seen my paintings and had given them a glowing review. It is a warm and fuzzy feeling to have ones work appreciated & I wanted to share her kind words. 

It's always nice when a fellow talented artist thinks you're talented too. Susan's website is lovely, her photography (self portraiture & life studies,) and her writting are both atmospheric - with depth and warmth. I'm as happy to view her work as she was with mine. Take a moment and go visit it her site, it's a wealth of beautiful images. 

Susan Tuttle Photography. All rights reserved.

Susan Tuttle Photography. All rights reserved.

Susan Tuttle Photography. All rights reserved.

Susan Tuttle Photography. All rights reserved.

Susan Tuttle Photography. All rights reserved.

Susan Tuttle Photography. All rights reserved.

Continuing on this positivity train. Last week I went to the June Lewiston Art walk where my paintings are showing until the end of this month (July) at Current Gallery and Magazine. - It was an amazing experience. I was blown away by the admiration and appreciation of my work. So much positivite, & really valuable & intelligent feed back. Great conversations all around. I am grateful & inspired. 

I have new paintings in the works! Commissions. So stayed tuned I hope to share them soon! - I'm always accepting orders by the way, great for gifts or to fill that empty wall! 

With love & gratitude, signing off - <3 Nikki 
